
Breaking the Taboo - A Documentary On the Disastrous War On Drugs

calochortus12/10/2012 9:02:05 am PST

re: #232 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say “probably not”. Antonin Scalia is not a man afraid to face the consequences of his own logic. But we need to wait for oral arguments, which should tell us much more (Scalia is almost always one of the most active justices when a case is argued before the Supreme Court).

We’ll find out. As I recall, however, whenever he thinks something is “wrong” such as Roe v. Wade, he doesn’t view it as a binding precedent. In other words, his moral sensibilities appear to override precedent. Other people’s moral sensibilities, not so much. It disturbs me that he doesn’t appear to see a conflict beween that and being an ‘originalist’.