
Michigan GOP Official: 'Herd All the Indians' to Detroit, Build a Fence and Throw in Blankets

simoom1/21/2014 2:04:57 pm PST

Some old GG tweets from back in Nov:

Greenwald is suggesting here that there are parts of Snowden’s bulk document dump, that if published, would damage him in the eyes of the public and subject him to serious new legal jeopardy (including charges of treason — “treason charges are serious”).

In that recently published cryptome e-mail exchange Greenwald wrote something similar:

Anyone who demands that we “release all documents” - or even release large numbers in bulk - is demanding that we violate our agreement with our source, disregard the framework we created when he gave us the documents, jeopardize his interests in multiple ways, and subject him to far greater legal (and other) dangers.

Again, the take away from all of this that there are aspects of both the scale and content of what he stole, that if clearly defined to the public by GG, would severely undermine the painstakingly crafted Snowden mythology.