
BLM Officer and Highway Patrolman Shot in Nevada County, CA by Suspected Right Wing Extremist

Randall Gross6/17/2014 2:39:26 pm PDT

re: #28 Dr Lizardo

I always thought inciting violence was against the law. At least that’s how Tom Metzger and his white supremacist group got hit with a $12.5 million dollar judgement against them up in Portland, OR in relation to the murder of Ethiopian exchange student Mulugeta Seraw.

I believe it’s referred to as “vicarious responsibility” or something of that nature. One of these, it’s most likely how Pam Geller and Robert Spencer will be taken down.

There’s actually a case at the supreme court to help determine some of this right now.

also remember that Bill White got off on some things, but ultimately got the fail.