
Video: CBS Staffers and Former Correspondents Strongly Contradict O'Reilly's "War Zone" Claims

Charles Johnson2/22/2015 5:54:04 pm PST

re: #225 bratwurst

I was called an “O-bot” and other things more disparaging by this individual during my first week here (shortly before yours). When I reminded him of this a year or two later as he was lecturing someone else on the evils of name calling, he assured me I had deserved it because I didn’t seem to be “friendly enough”.

This place is a LOT better than it used to be. That is why I recently subscribed for the first time.

I used to be much more patient and forgiving about people like that, and I really regret it. I learned some real lessons over the years, and one of them is that abusive commenters are like abusive spouses - you can’t believe them when they say they’re going to change. They don’t change. These are horribly dysfunctional, manipulative people. You just have to cut them out of your life, period.

I’m sorry that cretin did that to you.