
Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, "Routine"

Romantic Heretic11/03/2015 9:38:46 am PST

re: #213 Teukka


I also have depression, for which I take SNRI’s. I don’t have that many side effects *knocks wood*. I’ve been depressed most of my life, but the last 10 years I’ve been medicating against it and OCD. It is a remarkable difference.

Am I just too cynical for my own good, but is there a tendency in that side of the religio-political spectrum to see mental issues as character flaws or weaknesses, just like they usually see empathy as such?

Another depression sufferer here. It’s under control but I have to lead a rather isolated life due to the fact that too much interaction with people creates stress that exacerbates my illness.

And yes, the people on that part of the political spectrum characterized as ‘Right’ Do regard mental illness as a form of weakness. If those of us that suffer from it just “grew a backbone”, “showed some guts”, “had a little courage”, we would decide not to be ill and all would be well. Assholes.

This cartoon demonstrates how silly this attitude is.