
Another Fantastic NPR Tiny Desk Concert: River Whyless

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/22/2016 9:19:03 pm PST

America, 2016:

Intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution

As students of science, do we have the facts to decide the origin of man for ourselves?

As a public school student I was taught the theory of evolution as if it were a fact supported by a process no one could possibly have observed. I remember cutting out an article from this very paper to show my teacher in science class in middle school. The article was about scientists finding two skeletons from different evolutionary levels (you know, the suitcase-carrying ape-to-man scale) at the same level of excavation, questioning the evolutionary model. The teacher never shared it with the class.


In science, “a ‘fact’ typically refers to an observation, measurement or other form of evidence that can be expected to occur the same way under similar circumstances,” according to the National Academy of Sciences website. Some people still call it the theory of evolution, but this is too generous.

Science is based on observation and since evolution has not been observed, I do not agree with the way that it is taught in schools around the world. Evolution is neither a fact, nor a theory. It is a belief.
