
"Letter to Electors:" a Last Ditch Effort to Persuade Electors Not to Vote for Trump

Bass Reeves12/14/2016 3:52:29 pm PST

McMullin first showed up on LGF that I recall with a tweet about how the Dems were awful, but so is Trump. He’s not actually what I would call an ally. He’s more like the rest of the Republican rank-and-file: An opportunist who is seeing his opportunity slipping away.

By the by guys, Pence and Kasich and all the rest of them aren’t *better* than Trump, they just know more about how to move the levers of government power. All of the stuff you think bad that will happen under Trump, will happen with all the rest of them, because the Rs STILL have the House and Senate and soon the Supreme Court, and most of the state legislatures and governorships.