
A Great New Track by John Hiatt Refutes Its Own Title: "Over the Hill"

Danack9/23/2018 5:35:17 am PDT

(Recycling someone else’s idea to sound smart)

Both Senator Grassley and Mitch McConnel are bluffing on allowing Dr Ford to testify in public.

Both Grassley and Mitch McConnell know that Kavanaugh won’t survive Dr Ford’s and Kavanaugh’s own testimony on the subject of sexual assault. So their only path to winning is to make Dr Ford not testify.

They’ve both come out with really strong confident statements saying that “sure, we’ll let Dr Ford testify and then get him on the supreme court anyway” in the hope that if Dr Ford thinks her testimony won’t change anything, then there would be no point putting herself through the horrible publicity of actually testifying.

Unless Dr Ford withdraws and doesn’t appear before the committee, and assuming Kavanaugh himself is too bone-headed to with draw his nomination before then, Senator Grassley is going to have a sudden change of heart the morning of Dr Ford’s testimony and suddenly realise that “he doesn’t want to subject Dr Ford to any embarrassment” and so for her good, he’s going to withdraw/block Kavanaugh from being considered.

Idea taken from: