
Death Sentence for Translating the Koran

mean Gene2/06/2009 12:50:32 pm PST

re: #233 FabioC.

Ok, getting back to the important stuff and skipping the high-frequency disturbance…

The immensely backward culture of Afghanistan seems to be the main culprit here, rather than Islam itself. We should play by their rules and instead of supporting a centralized, supposedly-democratic government, ally with the less worse tribes.

Wouldn’t it be nice (admit it, you have to agree) if some of these sort-of-Sharia states made clear in writing (in the language of their subjects) each and every deviation from their actual books, the Koran and Hadith?
That way would save a lot of people their heads, their hands, their feet, their poor whipped backs, and their money.

The Saudi’s, for example, just today re-iterated that No Other Religion may be worshiped in anything other than a private home.
At least they said it.
Now, where are all of the new mosques the Saudi’s are building?
All over the rest of the planet!