
WaPo Poll: Most Americans Oppose Afghanistan War

wahabicorridor8/20/2009 12:30:02 pm PDT

re: #230 Robert O.

I updinged you - not because I agree with all your assumptions - I don’t - but you’ve elucidated some good questions. The big one for me is - this is a culture back in the stone age and we aren’t going to change that? So define achievable goals.

We could wipe the Taliban out. Except for the new rules on battlefield capture of these guys when we basically have to read them their Miranda rights. I can only hope this results in taking far fewer prisoners but I’m not holding my breath.

We’re letting NATO run the show. That’s absolute bullshit. They couldn’t run a one-car funeral w/o 18 lbs. of paperwork and no ammo.

I wish more troops were the answer. I think they certainly COULD be w/o the bureaucracy that’s been imposed, but as things are now apparently we will be sending lawyers and not warriors.

And I think one BIG reason support for this war is declining is because we’ve ended up fighting for a regime that just passed a law allowing marital rape and starvation of wives who do not submit to their husband’s sexual demands.

Personally, that makes me feel complicit.

The other side of the problem is what happens if we DON’T fight? And there lies the rub.
Think things are bad now? Try the cut-n-run method and see what happens.

So I think it’s necessary, but I would really like to castrate Karzai.