
Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

Dark_Falcon8/28/2010 3:28:46 pm PDT

re: #234 elbruce

Technically, they claim that the original not-quite-ratified version should replace the actually-ratified version. That version would disqualify anyone having any kind of title or receiving any foreign honor from holding office. So if you accept a Nobel Prize, that automatically kicks you out of government. Also if you’re a lawyer. So pretty much every act of Congress since 1819 would be voided.

As far as the 14th amendment goes, repealing it would also repeal this part:

So if it were repealed, families of former slaveowners would be able to sue the federal government for taking away their slaves.

No, they said they wanted the “original 13th” reintroduced and ratified, which is not the same thing. I not a fan of “13thers”, but they’re not trying to remove the current 13th Amendment.