
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 5:41:14 pm PST

re: #227 wrenchwench

re: #228 Killgore Trout

Then since we knew exactly where and when we were looking and in what direction, why can’t anyone tell us which plane? If the Pentagon has been forced to make I dunno interviews and the stations and newsies are trying to look into it - this is the simplest and most basic place to look and it would answer things directly.

If it was a plane it obviously was not a little Cessna from a little airport.

You tell me the flight number and I will buy the optical illusion theory.

The longer we go without one, the more I will think it was something else, because this is such an obvious test of the hypothesis.

I will be fair to you and say I’ve done some calculations, I can accept as possible that you are right given very special weather conditions. However, it is not at all obvious to me this was the case. It isn’t obvious to others either, and there is the most basic test in the world that has not been done.

How about this. The fact that NORAD can’t tell us right away plane or not, what it was, is a major issue. They presumably track everything. How can they not know? Yes we can make excuses for them not knowing - but if it was a commercial jet and they honestly don’t know, that is a real real issue.