
The Downfall of the Limbaugh-Hannity Talk Show Axis Accelerates

Kragar7/29/2013 10:12:06 am PDT

Robertson Fears Christians Will Go to Jail for Saving Gays from Hell, Stopping them from Destroying Country

He asked: “If there are 100 million Christians in America, maximum two percent of the population are homosexual and one percent are lesbian, is that minority going to destroy all of the foundations of the morality of the majority?”

Robertson said that Christians may soon be imprisoned over their “loving” anti-gay stance.

“If you see somebody who is not going to go to Heaven and you really love him you want to do what it takes to get him into Heaven, if you don’t care about him you let him go to Hell,” Robertson continued. “We are a people who love and yet now your love is going to put you in jail because the people who are going to Hell feel their lifestyle—think, ‘well, we want to be affirmed.’”