
New York Times Calls for "Shrill" Critics to Stop "Vilifying" Edward Snowden

BongCrodny1/02/2014 3:17:51 pm PST

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

That’s right, there is now a Duck Commander line of firearms:

“Do you know what makes me happy ladies and gentlemen? To blow a mallard drake’s head smooth off.”

Do you know what makes me happy ladies and gentlemen? Setting fire to ants with a magnifying glass.

Do you know what makes me happy ladies and gentlemen? Dousing cats with gasoline and setting them on fire.

Do you know what makes me happy ladies and gentlemen? Putting a litter of puppies in a bag weighed down with rocks and throwing them into a river.


Okay, look — I might be pretty far to the left, but I like to think I’m no squishy liberal. I get the concept of hunting; I’m from a hunting state. I eat meat, and I BUY IT AT THE FUCKING SUPERMARKET, so maybe I’m the worst kind of hypocrite.

I understand the concept of hunting for population control, and I even understand the concept of hunting for pleasure.

But damn — having a frigging orgasm while talking about blowing some defenseless critter’s head off is an idea I don’t even want to begin to understand.