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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/08/2016 3:19:28 am PST

Iā€™m cautious about all this enthusiasm about early voting meaning a Democratic victory.

For example:

North Dakota poised to break record for early voting

North Dakota residents are on pace to break a record for early voting for the third straight presidential election.

Almost 122,000 people already had voted by Monday morning and before Election Day polling locations were to open Tuesday.

About 130,000 people voted in the 2012 general election, breaking the record set in 2008 by about 10,000 votes.

North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger says there are still about 13,000 absentee and mail-in ballots that have not been returned. And some early voting precincts, including one in Bismarck, were open until Monday night.


Yet no one expects ND to be won by Clinton.