
DOJ's New Filing Responds to Trump With a Photo of Some of the Classified Documents He Stole

Florida Panhandler8/31/2022 2:41:19 pm PDT

re: #232 No Malarkey!

Garland must indict Trump quickly so that he serves at least some time before a new President who might let him off the hook is potentially inaugurated in 2025.

When this goes to trial we must assume any and all classified information has already been compromised from either Trump himself or from his underlings/bag men like Bannon, Giuliani, Kushner, Ivanka or any and all legal council he has had.

With this in mind, when the time comes in a trial that Trump and his goon lawyers call for all evidence to be revealed to the jury that the bluff be called and actually do it. Our secrets are already blown. Putin already has the info. We have already sustained tremendous damage to our national security thanks directly to Trump and a deranged, utterly corrupt Republican Party. It is vital that sending Trump to prison is the direct and #1 reason for a trial in the first place. Our country has no hope of surviving without it.