
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Honorary Yooper5/05/2009 2:08:34 pm PDT

re: #218 LGoPs

When I moved to Georgia after college, I discovered that people would come to a dead stop at the end of the Freeway On Ramp. Of course I’d be running down the ramp, coming up to speed for a safe merge and be looking over my shoulder to gauge the merge and at the last second relaize that the nimrod in front of me was at a dead stop.
I would add colorful words to the English language when that happened.

Had them do that shit occassionally here. Usually I lay hard on the horn until the dipshits move. More often than not, it’s that they try to enter the freeway at 40mph just in front of me. I’m afraid I’m going to get splatted by a truck because some asshole entered the freeway at 40 or below just in front of me.