
Krauthammer: A Better Plan for Health Care Reform

Baelzar8/08/2009 10:26:41 am PDT

re: #234 Mr. Sandman

The question is how best to reduce waste, needless cost, and minimize the number of people who are denied care.

I submit that government is the least efficient, most wasteful and most expensive option. They do not care about keeping costs down, because (drumroll) THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT PROFIT.

When a health insurance company CEO expands his mansion or adds a pool to his yacht or gold plates his toilet, do you ever ask who with a treatable illness had his claim denied and had to die, to allow this sort of luxury?

…and for a moment there I thought you were actually worth debating. You are just another rob Peter to pay Paul partisan. “How many have to die before we abandon Capitalism?” /sob /sob