
CPAC 2011, Day 2

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All2/11/2011 1:11:01 pm PST

Off Topic (or is it?) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker promises to break out the troops against the other government employees if people protest against his budget. I wonder if his salary is cut?

ov. Scott Walker says he is confident state workers will continue to show up for work and do their jobs, despite their potential disappointment in his emergency budget proposal.

However, if there is worker unrest, Walker says the Wisconsin National Guard is prepared to respond.

After all, nothing says break out the troops more than union busting

“We are out of money and the options are few. We can either raise taxes — which is absolutely off the table — reduce spending or lay off workers,” Jeff Fitzgerald, the Republican Speaker of the State Assembly, told local radio.

“I expect the Capitol to explode” with protests, Fitzgerald said. “It’s going to be a very difficult week.”

State employee unions made $100 million in concessions in December, but Walker’s response has been “to eviscerate our most basic rights” and “end labor peace in Wisconsin,” said Bryan Kennedy

Why in the hell is raising taxes off the table? Oh wait, that’s right, It’s a Republican, they think the government can run on moonbeams and pixie dust.