
Right Wing Bloggers Immediately Started Portraying the Kansas Neo-Nazi Shooter as a "Democrat"

Birth Control Works4/14/2014 6:07:20 pm PDT
E.J. Dionne Jr. at The Washington Post on why conservatives should love AmeriCorps. “If we can agree on anything across our philosophical divides, surely we can support efforts to promote voluntary service by our fellow citizens and to strengthen our nation’s extraordinary network of civic and religious charities. At a very modest cost to government AmeriCorps gives mostly young Americans a chance to spend a year helping communities and those in need while nurturing thousands of organizations across the country,” Dionne writes. “One politician who speaks often about the importance of civil society groups is Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) Yet Ryan’s new budget comes out against apple pie. It zeroes out AmeriCorps. The best move for someone who loves the activities of the nonprofits as much as Ryan says he does is to try to trump the president.” Jonathan Chait at New York tweets, “Paul Ryan’s budget contains so many huge disasters that many moderately-sized ones go unnoticed. @EJDionne finds one.”

pulled from Wired email digest.