
Rick Santorum: Obama's Failing Because He's Not Enough Like Jerry Falwell and Jesse Helms

Blind Frog Belly White11/18/2014 3:56:49 pm PST

Late to the party again!

Thoughts on the original topic: The Right’s idea of Obama ‘Uniting America on Race’ is for him to tell blacks that racism is dead, so they should just STFU about it, because it’s all in their heads.

GG has a point about the use of scare quotes around occupied, but holy shit is that the ONLY thing he has to say about the attack?

The Keystone Pipeline is an excellent example of selling snake oil to the rubes, since as Obama pointed out, all it does is allow Canada to send its dirty oil across our land in order to get it into the global market. Benefit to us? Diddly. Like lower tax rates on the rich, not raising the minimum wage, or fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War, there are large numbers of our fellow countrymen who are really dumber than a fucking post.