
FBI Arrests Anti-Government Extremists in NC, Building Bombs - UPDATE: Inspired by "Jade Helm" Conspiracy Theory

Higgs Boson's Mate8/04/2015 8:11:18 am PDT

re: #229 lawhawk

This is abhorrent stuff, and yet the cop and all those involved got to keep their jobs. This is the kind of thing that should result in departments being shut down for violating civil rights and other violations. But they aren’t.

It’s all part of institutional racism, and it persists.

And how to solve this one? Yes, the cop, and all cops like him, should be fired. Unless you address the attitude of the chief of police who hired that cop and the attitude of the mayor who appointed the chief then there’s nothing to prevent one bad cop from being replaced by another.

Effectively addressing pervasive institutional racism requires a massive and expensive effort. Though I think that doing so would be one of the best possible uses of federal money, I’m not holding my breath.