
Details Emerge About San Bernardino Attackers

CuriousLurker12/03/2015 8:03:32 am PST

You know WTF else I’d like to know? Farook’s coworkers didn’t realize anything was amiss with him and his family didn’t realize anything was amiss. If there was a mosque he regularly attended, you can be sure it’ll be swarming with FBI agents, even though mosques are no longer places were people are being radicalized (again if this is about radicalization and not some other issue).

Do people even realize that there can be other reasons besides ZOMG RADICAL ISLAM that might cause a Muslim to go off the rails? And despite no coworkers or family members being aware he had issues, people will be looking at his local Muslim community as if they somehow knew and said nothing, the implication being that 1) they’re willing to lie to protect one of their own, even if s/he’s a dangerous killer, or 2) they not only knew in advance, but approved.