
Seth Meyers via Webcam: Trump Wants to Reopen America as Coronavirus Pandemic Accelerates

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)3/26/2020 7:03:20 am PDT

re: #229 A Mom Anon

Any selfish fuckstick who is worried about their nails right now needs to shut the ever loving fuck the fuck up. I’m SO sick of selfish and self focused assholes. This is a huge part of why Clovid-19 is a fucking pandemic. I swear if I had the resources, I would track down all those little spring break fucks being self focused douche nozzles and best the shit out of all of them. Damn it.

As I saw somewhere else (and I agree with) is that the Florida beach situation was mainly the governor’s fault for not being the adult in the room and closing the beaches. The 20-year-olds on the beach being drunk are 20-year-olds acting as 20-year-olds do. There is not much of a cure for that without implementing a bunch of cultural and educational changes.