
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

jaunte5/28/2024 7:59:24 am PDT

#Blanche argues #MichaelCohen’s testimony about an all-important meeting w/ #Trump in Jan 2017, in which the president-elect signed off on the repayment scheme, is not “corroborated by anything, there’s not a shred of evidence.” And it’s true that no one other than Cohen has directly testified about that conversation.

But it’s not true that there is not a “shred of evidence” — in fact, there is lots & lots of circumstantial + documentary evidence about what happened.
Evidence including notes made by #AllenWeisselberg about how #MichaelCohen would be repaid for the #HushMoney, & an email that the defense just highlighted in its own closing referring back to the agreement.

#Blanche depicts #Trump as too distracted to focus on the matters of the checks & the payments. Cutting against a long-acknowledged #Trump trait: his proclivity for attention to minutiae in times of stress.