
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

badger19704/20/2009 2:28:31 pm PDT

Reagan was often called a fascist but when he asked his accusers exactly what a fascist was, only crickets chirping. From “An American Life: The Autobiography”

The left associates anyone on the right which they don’t agree with as nazi fascists (so overused that it lost its meaning), it’s as simple as that.

Now for Pam’s vindictive streak, let’s say it’s an enemy of my enemy sort of thing. I could be wrong.

For the political waters, the left and right are so polarized that a person leaning left is called right wing, where as a person with right tenancies is called a leftist (or worse)- politics being a series of dangerous emotional arguments, the rhetoric will be heated, feelings will be hurt. Hell, after I thought the sky was falling after the ‘08 election I was wondering what was wrong with the Big Lizard himself, but as the smoked cleared, sanity returned. Thank you Charles for keeping me sane.