
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

American Sabra5/15/2009 9:19:21 pm PDT

re: #203 Cato the Elder

I couldn’t agree with you more. In fact, if you read my statements carefully, that’s more or less what I said.

I agree with you they wanted to keep Mary in the closet. There’s this article about it from Salon about an interview Lynne had with Cokie Roberts.

On Sunday, when ABC’s Cokie Roberts started to ask the GOP vice presidential nominee’s wife about having a daughter who has “declared she’s openly gay,” an irate Lynne Cheney shot back: “Mary has never declared such a thing.” Cheney then blasted the media for its interest in the story, and chided Roberts: “I’m surprised, Cokie, that even you would want to bring it up on this program.”

“I have two wonderful daughters. I love them very much. They are bright; they are hard-working; they are decent. And I simply am not going to talk about their personal lives,” Cheney told Roberts.

I know how much folks like Salon here, but I think the story is accurate.