
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

realwest5/26/2009 10:17:38 am PDT

re: #152 thesextons

You blame the wrong people for Obama’s Sotomayor. The national Republican leadership, McCain included, have no one to blame but themselves for the election of novice Obama and all of his subsequent court appointments and executive actions.

I’m sorry, but I didn’t see where you mentioned the Non-Fox MSM (which is as scary to me as Fox News is) nor all of the money which Obama received by being the first candidate FROM EITHER PARTY to reject public funding for his campaign in over 20 years. I think those had something to do with Obama’s victory.
And you also forgot to mention that Sen. McCain who was Mr. Reach-Across-the-Aisle himself, no longer seems to feel that way. Had he realized before or early on in the campaign that the Democratic Party is not interested in “reaching across the aisle” (except, perhaps, to have some Republicans to look to for cover if the Democratic Party’s vision of American falls flat) then perhaps the election results would have been different as well.