
Video: Has the Earth Been Cooling for 10 Years?

Achilles Tang2/13/2010 5:34:18 pm PST

re: #127

I will tell you that I have had a problem with their polls, because the adult population nationally is about 12-13% black. However, in the south it is double that, 30% or so, and in the town where I live, it’s actually very close to 50%.

If 30% of the population of many southern states is black, but calls into those states are polling only 12-13% in that state, then the poll numbers are not truly representative of “the south”.

I agree that it is odd. I wouldn’t believe any poll not conducted by one of the main companies for obvious reasons. Personally I never participate in polls because most of them are actually selling something. In addition my experience in Florida is that most black households use cell phones, not listed landlines and will never be called.

I suspect this poll has one or more sampling biases.