
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

Walter L. Newton4/04/2011 2:33:31 pm PDT

re: #233 Simply Sarah

No, not really. I sort of like feeling I did *something* to earn what I make.

You may know (maybe not), that over a year ago, I took a under-careered job as a cashier at a major grocery store chain. I prefer working to not working, and I not had much luck with retaining anything more than some contract programming work over the last 5 years.

With in one month of being at the store, the store manager asks me if I want to be put on a management track. After seeing what goes on in that sort of work environment (retail) and seeing what appeared to be company policy of how managers are required to deal with employees, I very diplomatically informed him…

“No sir, I’m not interested. I cannot see me being able to manage employees using the methods that are evidently required of you by corporate.”