
Overnight Video: Tempest Milky Way

Dark_Falcon8/24/2011 8:50:41 am PDT

re: #226 Sergey Romanov

Indeed, last time I checked, no “people” stopped the Holocaust, aside from the military situation itself. Certainly no army or state exerted themselves to help the Jews - requests for bombing of death camps were declined.

Michael Burleigh did a good job of examining that issue in his recent book Moral Combat. Bombing Auschwitz hard enough to have an impact would have been hard. The death camp was so far away from US/UK bomber bases that they would have been carrying reduced bomb loads. Moreover, the inaccuracy of high level bombing (low level raids by the RAF’s Mosquitoes would have been even more difficult due to the range issue (low level flight is more fuel intensive than high level flight, owing to greater air densities)) meant that such a raid likely would have killed many of those confined there,