
Bryan Fischer: 'We Need an Underground Railroad to Deliver Children From Same-Sex Households'

Big Steve8/08/2012 7:36:17 am PDT

re: #229 GunstarGreen

Having read through the link that Fischer provides, I particularly like how the author attributes his social awkwardness entirely to his parents being lesbians.

Spoilers: Even kids from ‘traditional’ households can come out socially awkward. Happens all the time. We call them geeks and nerds.

You are dead on here. Also, of the very limited number of gay parents that I know, seem to put far more effort into making sure their kids socialize than the rest of us. A neighbor Lesbian couple adopted an infant girl years ago who was the same age as my sons. They put far more effort into arranging play dates with my kids than I ever did. I remember when the kids were all in high school they informed me that their daughter was going to prom….with a BOY! They were bursting their buttons about that.