
Dazzling Stop Motion Animation: The Fall

Pawn of the Oppressor3/13/2013 9:14:18 pm PDT

re: #190 Gus

I’ve just spent a bit of time reading around about this subject. I suppose I always knew that horrible, horrible things happened in that region during WW2 but I didn’t know how bad it was. It’s so easy to just say that all the world’s badness could be attributed to the Nazis, but then you run into stories about Catholic militia committing atrocities that aren’t out of place for the 15th century, and you wonder if the human race will ever advance beyond the urge to slaughter, violate, and dominate based on non-existent differences.

A friend of mine was in Bosnia with the U.S. Army in the 90’s and he tells stories when he gets enough beer in him… One quote that stuck out, “Life is cheap in some parts of the world. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a mass grave full of babies wrapped in baling wire…”