
A Picture of Bad Craziness: New Poll Shows 54% of Republicans Think Obama Is Muslim "Deep Down"

Citizen K2/25/2015 1:13:57 pm PST

Not sure if this got noted in a previous thread or not, but since it’s poll related, a YouGov poll took on the whole Giulliani shit as well, and found out a few key things (cross tabs included in the link):

1) Overall, 47% of polled believes Obama loves America. That’s compared to 35% sure that he doesn’t love America, and 17% that isn’t sure. By comparison, Giulliani gets 58% that believes he loves America and 33% unsure.

2) 39% believes Obama is “less patriotic” than most others in public life, compared to 33% believing that he’s “as patriotic”, 12% that he’s more, and 16% unsure. By comparison, Giullani gets 41% as patriotic, 19% for “more” and only 8% as “less”

The shitstain’s othering, atop of all the othering thrown Obama’s way, is WORKING, and working strong. We literally have a third of America that believes Obama honestly hates America, and almost a fifth that isn’t sure.

Just…fuck all. These fuckers just manage to win the message wars every single fucking time, by sheer volume alone, and it fucking works, every single fucking time.