
In Which Right Wing Troll Chuck C. Johnson Gets Hit With a Subpoena From the National Abortion Federation

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/02/2015 7:46:37 am PST

Well I had to bite my tongue this weekend at the dinner for the adults of the kids on the bsaeball team. One of the coaches was upset about Anthony Bourdain basically saying that the restaurant industry would be fucked if we deported all the illegals and having had family work in the restaurant industry, he was right. COach though goes on about how celebs should shut their mouths about political matters. Nevermind that Donald is a celebrity himself and that he actually was talking about something he has credibility to speak on. And then Carson came up. Oh he’s such an inspiration I heard. I felt like mentioning that he wants to cut the same programs he rose out of poverty from but I knew I was outnumbered and I really did not want to get into an argument. Plus I feel these are good people even if their worldview is way off.