
Thursday Night Jam: Jacob Collier Plays "On Broadway"

BlueGrl211/06/2017 8:55:17 am PST

re: #60 Anymouse

Texas: Zero days without an international embarrassment.

Texas’s proposed bathroom bill (that also strips power from local governments) is now international news. Great job, conservatives, laser-like focus on jobs any day now… .

Late to the party on this, but you mentioned Texas so my ears perked up.

Husband and i were talking about this last night. I said it won’t pass at the state level.

“Why not? They’re freaks.”

“Because above all, Texas government is about a healthy bidness climate (ht: Molly Ivins). This bill will hurt business in Texas. My own very large company will throw an absolute fit over it. And when it comes down to business vs. any other interest, including the right-wing religious trolls, business is going to win every time. Period.”

That’s the best way to understand Texas…this is a state that always will put corporations and business interests first. Deregulation, low taxes, incentives, it’s all about attracting and keeping businesses and the money flowing. No matter how crazy the rural Conservative nuts get, they will be ignored when it means their agenda impacts the happiness of our corporations.

There is a reason Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio are in the top 10 cities for size in the U.S. Corporations, headquarters, and the jobs they produce are there.

Remember, this is the place where a guy tried to introduce legislation to control high school cheerleader outfits and routines because he felt they were too suggestive. We also have laws about the ownership of dildos. Because Texas Legislature.

I asked Husband when the legislative session ends in Texas, because it will get NUTS and embarrassing over here. We will so thoroughly embarrass ourselves. “Not sure.” “Well, i need to find out because i can’t take the Texas Legislature in session on top of the rest of this country’s crazy. Just get the padded cell ready.”