
Yebba - Paranoia Purple (Live at Electric Lady)

ckkatz2/27/2022 9:54:13 pm PST

A quick thought on the donation of old Soviet equipment to Ukraine by former Eastern Block countries.

Ukraine has trained with these systems and has the facilities in place to maintain and use the equipment. Particularly with larger equipment likes planes and tanks. The operators/pilots are trained to use them. The maintenance teams are in place and the spare parts are in stock.

Switching to Western equipment involves retraining the entire operator and logistics chains and stocking up with all the needed spare parts, test equipment, and probably new facilities.

It is much faster and easier for the old Eastern Bloc countries to give their old Soviet equipment away.

On the NATO side.

A lot of countries have been needing to upgrade their military hardware from 30-40 year old Soviet stuff. They have been delaying doing so due to lack of political will. That has just changed. And major defense economic sectors are salivating at the thought of new contracts.

All that NATO equipment donated to the Ukrainians, like Javelins, Nlaws and At4’s will have to be replaced. Defense contractors are likely salivating at the money there as well.