
Never Too Soon for a Halestorm: "Wicked Ways" [Official Video]

Belafon7/23/2022 9:55:30 am PDT

re: #236 BeachDem


Liz Cheney’s smug, self-satisfied con job: Don’t fall for it

You don’t even have to look for the tell. It’s right there in the first thing they say after they “cooperate” with the Jan. 6 Committee: The Republican functionary witnesses sit there looking smug and self-satisfied as they tell what they know about what Trump did and the puny shit they did to try to stop him, and when they’re finished they’ve been told they can smile and say, “but just look at his accomplishments…”

Liz Cheney has spent about a quarter of her time on the dais of the Jan. 6 committee hearings reminding us that all the witnesses called before the committee to testify about Trump have been Republicans. Oh, boy, does she beat that tired-ass drum, like it’s supposed to mean something. Of course they’re Republicans! They were working for Donald Trump! And we’re supposed to be impressed that responding to subpoenas, they showed up and in many, many cases reluctantly revealed a few “truths” about Trump’s lies and illegal behavior after he lost the election in November? We’re supposed to be impressed that they “stood up for the rule of law” after participating in an administration whose hallmark was breaking laws and norms for four long years?

and much more.

We spend an awful lot of time telling each other that Cheney is serving a useful function on the committee but don’t fall for her being anything other than a Republican.