
Adm. Mullen: 'A Very Very Bad Outcome'

HelloDare3/01/2009 1:53:41 pm PST

Upcoming speaker series in Boston. Notice how Gore is not debating anybody. He is there alone.

‘The Minds that Move the World’

March 10: Bill Maher and Ann Coulter

March 30: Former Vice President Al Gore

May 27: Charlie Rose interviewing James Carville and former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove

June 9: Soledad O’Brien interviewing Al Sharpton, Lisa Ling and John Quinones

The series will be formatted to allow for each participant to present their thoughts on a wide range of important current events and national issues, followed by a moderated question and answer period during which the moderator can elicit additional information and insights into particularly pertinent topics of the day.