
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

Throbert McGee3/05/2009 9:21:40 pm PST

re: #236 SanFranciscoZionist

QUIT is a special form of crazy. You know when you’ve got gay protesters at a screening of “Yossi and Jagger” that you’ve got trouble.

What were they protesting? Just the fact that it portrayed Israeli military personnel as appealing and likable?

(For those who haven’t seen it, which I assume is almost everyone, Yossi and Jagger is an Israel-made, Hebrew-language drama about a clandestine love affair between two young men in the IDF. Although pro-gay, it avoids the preachiness of most U.S.-made gay advocacy movies. For example, while painfully driving home just how dehumanizing “The Closet” can be, the movie also recognizes that staying in the closet is Yossi’s freely-made choice, and doesn’t blame everything on Those Awful Heterosexuals.)