
World Net Daily Still Looking for That Nirth Certifikit

retief_994/08/2009 6:59:03 pm PDT

Is there a legal document presented that proves Barack Obama is a US citizen? I don’t think a certificate of live birth will be suitable. Try to get a passport without a legal birth certificate. So far as I can see, there is not legal proof of his citizenship. If that makes me a kook in many peoples eyes so be it. I am suspicious of politicians and government, if that makes me some sort of idiot or conspiracy theorist, so be it. I believe the law of the land must be upheld. If we don’t uphold the law we are headed for disaster. I break out in a cold sweat at the thought that Obama is discovered not to be eligible. The sweats are caused by what will happen to this country if that becomes evident. It will make Watergate look like a joke. The one thing that makes me so upset is Obama’s reluctance to present his birth certificate for authentication. If he does not do so because this is an invasion of his privacy, how can he have proved his eligibility to run for president. The requirement for proof is implied in the text of the constitution. The President must be a natural born US citizen. I personally hope this matter of eligibility is pursued as long as Barack Obama is in office or the question is resolved. Not because I do not like his political views or agenda, but because the law is the law, without the law we are in a state of anarchy