
Michael Savage Banned in Britain

LGoPs5/05/2009 10:08:05 am PDT

re: #224 Egregious Philbin

Michael Savage is to talk radio what Mama’s Family is to Shakespear at the Old Globe.

Its crap, pure garbage on the radio, nothing but schtick and screaming and fake outrage for simple minds.

Most of talk radio is completely fake, failed DJ’s attempting to outrage and gin up emotions so people will continue to listen. But Savage is just terrible, terrible for any thinking person to listen to. Its Pavlovian, programmed crap, and he hurts conservatism.

I’d add Rich Little, Tony Orlando, Lee Greenwood, 2/3rds of the Pips, the Simpson sisters, and Billy Mays to the list.

Democracy isn’t neat and pretty. I’ll take the noise of talk radio over the propaganda laden stranglehold that the rest of the MFM has over information in this country.