
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

SixDegrees5/26/2009 10:17:50 am PDT

re: #71 wiffersnapper

Good move by Obama. Liberals will hammer use the “identity politics” talking point so that the republicans vote her in based only on the fact she’s latina. Something along the lines of “If you don’t approve her for the Supreme Court you’re a racist!” will appear within the week, if it hasn’t already.

There’s also the fact that she has been through the judicial confirmation process twice already, with broad Republican support on both occasions. She was originally appointed to the Federal bench by Bush I. Both facts serve to take the wind out of the sails of any opposition. Any criticisms apart from her most recent decisions and statements will be met with a barrage of “flip-flop” accusations.

Even criticisms of her more recent record will be met with similar attacks, based on the GOP’s insistence in the past that Democrat’s Bork-fests aimed at judicial nominees were unwarranted on a Constitutional basis, and that the Senate should only examine qualifications, not ideology. The GOP has managed to stack the oppositions cannonballs for them.