
The Kindle Controversy in Detail

Walter L. Newton7/21/2009 7:45:35 pm PDT

re: #229 American Sabra

OK… I can see that. Yes, digital copyright, as Charles explained, is a new field and they’re getting the kinks worked out.

No company wants to take back product. It’s like a recall. It’s embarassing to the company, consumers lose faith in company and they lose money, or don’t make the sale. So from that prospective, I imagine Amazon won’t make the mistake twice.

Don’t you understand it’s the fact that they can CALL INTO YOUR DEVICE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION and delete things, poke around, look around.

Yea, they may not do it again, but you don’t see any problem with the fact that they can? You don’t see any problem with the fact that they sold these devices WITHOUT TELLING THEIR CUSTOMERS THAT THEY COULD DO THIS.

You see nothing, no problems, before or after this incident?