
White House Beer Tastes Better

ted7/25/2009 4:55:37 pm PDT


“With one or two exceptions, the responses to this post have been strikingly respectful. I thought this e-mail was interesting:

I am a bail bondsman in Florida. ROWOV (resisting officer without violence can be charged anytime a person does not follow an officer’s directive. If you are told to “stand over there” and do not, you are subject to arrest.

It is a misdemeanor in Florida and a $250 bond. These types are charges are dropped later in most cases.

It does, however, allow the defendant the opportunity to reflect on the error of his ways as he is cuffed, transported to jail, processed in, and bailed out.

Here in sunny Florida, the person will have six to eight hours to reflect.

You should also know that many ROWV (resisting officer violence) charges are not prosecuted.

Only in cases where the officer is injured, or the defendant has other charges will the charge not be dropped at some point.”

Case closed.
