
John Birch Society Rides Again at CPAC

Gus12/22/2009 11:03:14 pm PST

re: #230 LotharBot


I’m still not clear on what it means to be a “cosponsor”. Can you elaborate? Could you or I or CodePink become “cosponsors” if we paid the registration fee, or is there some sort of ideological test a group must pass?

I can’t get that worked up if “cosponsor” is just a generic title meaning “group that paid X many dollars to have a booth at our show”. But if there’s some “ideological purity” measure (like, say, if they kick out the gay rights group you mentioned before) then I’ll get pretty worked up over the Birchers being included.

What does the John Birch Society and Code Pink have to do with the price of California potatoes?