
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

William Lewis12/02/2010 11:31:05 am PST

Part of the problem is NIMBYism and especially not hearing what science has to say.

At a photography web site I regularly read, an 69 year old from New York state was showing pictures of all the “pretty deer” that come to feed on the thousands of pounds he puts out for them every year. Yes thousands - 3,500 lbs last year according to him. And he says this keeps them safe from hunters like me (killing a deer with a rifle is “a sin” - his words.).

Yet never mind that such crowded feeding has been repeatedly linked to establishing and spreading prion based Chronic Wasting Disease. Never mind that it’s even illegal to feed like that in New York. He doesn’t care/doesn’t believe that. All he wants is his “pretty” deer to be “safe” from evil hunters and other predators. The level of utter ignorance of basic ecology and biology in his posts is depressing.

But it doesn’t matter to him, he’ll probably already be dead of old age when the deer start falling over, dying in a far more vile manner than if I or another hunter had shot them with a rifle.
