
Crassest Right Wing Blogger of the Day: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

Renaissance_Man2/04/2011 4:44:18 pm PST

re: #221 WindUpBird

They often do, but these people aren’t scared of science, they’re scared of critical thought and scientific authority, because they see that as clashing with religious authority. Cue wingnut arguments about scientists “playing God”

Science is great when it works in their favor, they just don’t want science being used to tell them they can’t do something, or being used to tell them they’re incorrect about something

I’m pretty sure it’s not even that, you know. Other nations are just as or even more religious than the US, yet there is no firmly entrenched hatred of science. There may be firmly entrenched hatred of cultural change, and of cultural changes that may be peripherally related to science, but only in the US is science itself so reviled by mainstream religious movements.

I believe it is solely because of politics. ‘Science’ has become synonymous with ‘things liberals like’. And these mainstream religious movements are highly politicised. However, their only premise is hatred of liberals and things liberals like.