
Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

Rightwingconspirator2/07/2011 12:26:28 pm PST

re: #236 Obdicut
Do you actually deny the far lefts successes in thwarting nuclear power?

I can only wish the far left had a record of legislative fails with respect to nuclear power the GOP has had recently in the Senate. Repeal Medical Reform-Fail Change the rape language-Fail. I’ll speculate the topic above will also fail, for good reason.
And where it comes to nuclear power, 3 mile island hysteria is a main culprit, promulgated by largely by the far left. Nobody died at the 3 mile island nuclear incident. Plus just a little digging will show you the many instances of left wing environmental “concerns” standing in the way of nuclear power as well as the others. And the NIMBY effect is fully supported and exploited by the left. Out there distributing flyers and exaggerating worries in the community. Or here is a great example-Biofraud Planting endangered species to promote the far left agenda on the ground.

We’d all do better to also judge by successes or fails, rather than just who has gotten party leadership posts.