
Herman Cain Suddenly Remembers More Details of Sexual Harassment Complaints

Gus11/01/2011 12:09:57 pm PDT

re: #236 Gus 802

Ah yes…

Super genius! //

Some more garbage from this douche:

Next. Martin Luther King can have his own self-titled birthday recognized as a National Holiday, but not our country’s First President? Should I go on? Should I have to? Do I want to? Will I? You bet your ass I will.

Let’s see if I understand this correctly. Or should I say, let’s see if I can get to anywhere near a “correct understanding” of this piece of nonsense by, first, understanding it sensically using political-incorrectness?

Martin marched a few times from Selma, AL to Montgomery, AL. It’s only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name “King” as if he was ONE. He led his best rally amid the monuments of Washington, DC. He preached proper, righteous behavior while he at the same time committed adultery many publicly verifiable times — oh, and he had “a dream.” One to see a race of people freed completely from discriminate oppression.

I’m already what? 30 seconds in?